An iconic, new design for our signature romance bouquet. This timeless palette combines freedom red roses with nostalgic pink carnations. Composed with a polaroid aesthetic and retro lines, our rose blend comes with additional unique elements like tinted textural grevillea, specialty burgundy red daisy mums, and a deep red ranunculus in the Medium and Large sizes. Pair with a bottle of red for the perfect cold-weather date night.
*Specific accent blooms will vary.
An iconic, new design for our signature romance bouquet. This timeless palette combines freedom red roses with nostalgic pink carnations. Composed with a polaroid aesthetic and retro lines, our rose blend comes with additional unique elements like tinted textural grevillea, specialty burgundy red daisy mums, and a deep red ranunculus in the Medium and Large sizes. Pair with a bottle of red for the perfect cold-weather date night.
*Specific accent blooms will vary.