Written by Heather Owen, Founder & Executive Director of One Tail At A Time
Prior to 2016 if a family came into Chicago’s city shelter with a pet they loved but could not afford to feed, or take to the vet, despite tears and regret, the animal would be impounded. Due to constant overcrowding in the city shelter the pet would then be in danger of euthanasia.
The Chicagoland Rescue Intervention & Support Program was formed to address that problem. We believe that pets belong at home with their families, and we believe that people who love their pets should receive assistance to keep them. The group now consists of 9 Chicago based animal welfare groups who work together to staff a resource table at the shelter, the first point of contact for people in need.
Now, if a family comes in with a pet in need of medical care, food, vaccines, or a spay or neuter surgery they will receive those services through the help of CRISP. Families don’t leave the shelter crying, instead they leave the shelter with the pet they love and hope that they can care for them in the way they want to.
Since 2016 CRISP has kept thousands of pets out of the shelter, either keeping them with loving families or sending them directly to rescues and shelters that have space for them. In addition to the happy endings for those families in need, we have also created a shift in thinking in animal welfare. Now, people surrendering their pets are met with compassion, empathy, and a bridge to the resources they need.

Every April bouquet benefits animal rescue, adoption, and therapy through our Chicago charity CRISP and Milwaukee charity Pets Helping People.